Black teachers on the importance of representation in the classroom Three Black men who teach in the metro talk with KARE 11 about the importance of classroom diversity… It’s not uncommon to hear in the adult world, “I didn’t learn that in school” … Some examples include: There has never been a more important time for teaching and promoting equality and diversity in Britain’s classrooms. It is extremely important that the literature in a classroom library serves as “windows and mirrors.”. Incorporating Diversity. Considering diversity in a classroom is both important and essential, especially throughout the elementary school years. Diversity is about recognising and respecting these differences to create an all-inclusive atmosphere. When it comes to education, the concept of “unity in diversity” in the classroom doesn’t seem a far-fetched idea. It also teaches students how to use their own strengths and points of view to contribute in a diverse working environment. The challenges of the Multicultural Classroom A brief analysis of these studies indicates that the most important obstacles that multicultural education teachers face today include the following: (1) ethnicity, (2) racism/inequality, (3) different epistemologies/ways of knowing, and (4) different learning styles. Some 44 percent of American students today are nonwhite, and that number rises every year. 525 Words3 Pages. Indeed, diversity is the only constant feature of the ESL classroom. (2006). Image via Pinterest. The world is having very important conversations regarding diversity right now, making it the perfect time to touch on social injustices, prejudices, and stereotyping in one of the most important places in our society—the classroom. Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both teachers and students. Other important cultural markers, such as language, sexual orientation, and religion, are equally important; books related to these additional markers are included in a … What […] Constance Lindsay, Erica Blom, and Alexandra Tilsley, “Diversifying the Classroom: Examining the Teacher Pipeline”, Urban Institute, October 5, … In their article Why Classroom Diversity Matters in Early Education, Reid and Kagan explain that because of funding, many early childhood education programs are often economically segregated. In order to reach every student in the classroom, the teacher should always have students’ diversity in mind, There are several ways that diversity could benefit your students’ experience. The Importance of a Diverse Classroom Library. The Importance of Diversity in the Classroom. the diversity of students that are an inevitable part of today’s classrooms. … (2012). Diversity in the classroom teaches children to appreciate different perspectives which is a skill they will use the rest of their lives. Another important factor of diversity in the classroom is culture. Finally, we want to move beyond a mentality that views diversity only through holidays, language, and heroes. 1. Cultivating this type of environment births intellectual strength within our students and within ourselves. Classroom diversity allows students to consider opinions and perspectives beyond those that have already been shaped or formed in early life by friends and family. Benefits of Diversity in Education for College Students. See more ideas about diversity in the classroom, classroom, diversity. Foster Creativity. Literature introduces people to worlds they have never set foot in, which is why it is so important for classroom libraries to be full of diverse stories that reflect students’ backgrounds and cultures. By Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Dora Pulido-Tobiassen. Building upon what was learned in … Further work is needed to increase faculty skills with managing conflict and discussion of controversial issues in the classroom. I failed to realize the importance of thoughtfully curating a set of culturally inclusive texts that would be truly representative of the diversity … Words Alive understands the importance of diversity as well and works hard to bring “window books” and “mirror books” into the classrooms to teach students self-reflection and empathy. Review the following suggestions to get started and/or consider attending the Center's Faculty Institute for Diversity: Include issues of diversity as a learning goal of your course and tie current events and local histories to classroom activities. However, many teachers struggle in this area because they are not sure what diversity in the classroom even looks like. Diversity should be a defining thread in the weaving of a child’s education, for it produces an undeniable texture that will impact all of their decisions and understanding, a magnificent pattern of culture that will remain tightly stitched within their spirits for a lifetime. Building positive identities and a respect for differences means weaving diversity into the fabric of children's everyday lives. Importance of Diversity in the Classroom. Cultural diversity and young children. The effect is stronger on boys. Mirror books, on the other hand, provide children with the opportunity to see representations of themselves and their experiences 2. Diversity is important because the world is changing every day. It is important for educators to understand that diversity in classrooms is not just based on race but ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, economic status, learning disabilities, and etc. The main types of cultural diversity that I reference are race, class, and disability. August 11, 2016 Articles The Importance of Diversity in the Classroom: Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin The Supreme Court offers some guidelines on how universities should consider race in application processes. Cultural diversity and young children Children bring their own set of culturally based expectations, skills, talents, abilities, and values with them into the classroom. Beyond basic fairness, why should parents care about diversity? Racial diversity in an inclusive classroom means that the classroom is a multicultural space for students of all races and ethnicity. This is just one step in helping classrooms become more accepting of diversity and that would also encourage ELLs to take more challenging courses. Because of its importance, L2 specialists have actively attempted not only to discover and describe all of the different ways in which L2 students bring diversity to the classroom but also to find best teaching practices to effectively address all of the diversities identified. When students are presented with viewpoints that are far different from their own, they get the opportunity to examine the world in fresh ways and think critically. bring multiple insights and thoughts into a classroom. And they begin to develop their self-concept (at least in part) from how others see them. Diverse classrooms encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. There are numerous ways to bring greater variety into the classroom; teachers must take the initiative to take every step to bring diversity into the classroom. Multicultural literature can be used to create a classroom where all students are valued (Colby & Lyon, 2004). Campus cultural diversity enriches the educational experience. I failed to realize the importance of thoughtfully curating a set of culturally inclusive texts that would be truly representative of the diversity … Programs in school, such as IB, provide teachers with new texts that encompass different languages and culture. As librarians highlight a commitment to diversity, it’s important to let students across the school know. Cultural diversity and young children Children bring their own set of culturally based expectations, skills, talents, abilities, and values with them into the classroom. “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol.38, 1, pp. Even a relatively homogenous classroom contains enough intellectual diversity to generate heated debate. To conclude, diversity in the classroom needs to be fully understood and embraced by both teacher and students. People were people and I loved my classmates and I definitely loved school. Importance of Diversity. Students of different genders, races, backgrounds, etc. Diversity in the Classroom Delores Harris November,2013 “To keep the Golden Rule we must put ourselves in other people’s places. Encouraging cultural diversity in the classroom will help them appreciate their own culture as they will go back to their roots to find out more about where they've come from. If they ever travel to any other part of the world, adjustment will be minimal because they are used to being with a diverse group of people. Be willing to address inequality. Ultimately, when students recognize intra-religious diversity, they find stereotypes about religious “others” difficult to maintain. Even more significant is teaching students the importance of acknowledging and accepting … This section considers some of the many different ways in which an L2 classroom can present diversity. Ugly in a World Where You Can Choose to be Beautiful”:Teaching and Learning About Diversity via Virtual Worlds. Getting Started with Incorporating Diversity. Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both teachers and students. Multicultural literature can be used as a tool to open students’ minds. Children bring their own set of culturally based expectations, skills, talents, abilities, and values with them into the classroom. Window books allow children to expand their understanding of others and gain new cultural perspectives. Inclusive teaching strategies contribute to an inclusive learning environment in which all students feel equally valued. When working and learning with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures present in the classroom, students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. 8 Addressing Diversity Challenges in the Classroom 14 Engaging in Issues Related to Diversity in the Classroom 20 References 22 Resources: Teaching for Diversity UCLA’S PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY lay out the importance of teaching, diversity, and ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the campus community. All the other girls were African American. Diversity is an important element of any classroom alike. The techniques below are just a few strategies that instructors have used to incorporate diversity into their courses. Why is diversity so important in the classroom? Minorities will become a larger portion of the country’s population. Here are a few of the main reasons why diversity matters in your kid’s classroom and what you can do to encourage more. Diversity is an intrinsic characteristic of human groups, since each person has a special way of thinking, feeling and acting. When you have minorities in the classroom, it’s important to encourage them to maintain their cultural norms and not conform to society’s standards. As a result, it is particularly important for the school culture (and the classroom culture) to reflect, acknowledge, and celebrate diversity. Moreover, inculcating the atmosphere of diversity and inclusion in the classroom brings about many positive changes. I honestly never thought this was a big deal. Importance Of Diversity In The Classroom. 5. Cultural diversity. Diversity in the classroom is a real and positive issue. Ironically, while our schools are becoming more segregated, our society is becoming ever more diverse. If we had the imagination to do that...fewer bitter judgments would pass our lips, fewer racial, national, and class prejudices would stain our lives.” -- … – Maya Angelou. Footnotes. There has never been a time where understanding classroom diversity is so crucial. Diversity in the classroom teaches children to appreciate different perspectives which is a skill they will use the rest of their lives. Importance of Diversity in Education and classroom … classroom teacher, for years I just added to my library whatever books seemed “cool” on the Scholastic Book Club catalog each month. Make multicultural messages a part of your regular themes and classroom practices all year long. When students understand that their teachers are dedicated to inclusivity and to featuring diverse children’s books, they will have an easier time communicating their needs in the classroom. Fostering diversity is incredibly important, and one of the best places to begin doing that is the classroom. Looking back, as a gen. ed. Learn to empower language teaching with innovative technologies (CLIL, Multilingualism and Translanguaging) and apply them in the classroom. Fostering diversity is incredibly important, and one of the best places to begin doing that is the classroom. It also teaches students how to use their own strengths and points of view to contribute in a diverse working environment. Additionally, issues of diversity play a significant role in how students and teachers view the importance of the classroom and its learning. How Do Culture & Diversity Affect Learners in the Classroom? Varied Ideas of Appropriate Behavior. Uniformity in a classroom comes at a disadvantage to students whose culture teaches them behaviors or beliefs that are different from traditional norms taught ... Diverse Learning Styles. Every student learns in a different way, such as visually, auditorily and kinesthetically. ... Forming Cliques. ... More items... The Importance Of Diversity In The Classroom 1348 Words | 6 Pages The United States population is filled with diverse individuals. In this MOOC, participants will: Come to know of the importance of teachers’ awareness of the students’ language diversity. Diversity and Inclusion, Carlos P. Hipolito-Delgado writes, “[M]any undergraduate and graduate students [are] afraid or incapable of engaging in discussion about difference. Expanding your own cultural knowledge and sharing information with your students is a great start in helping your students understand the importance of cultural diversity. This enhances a classroom discussion and … Barrett says teachers can promote tolerance and inclusivity by featuring pictures of children from different cultures on their wall posters and in the books they choose for the classroom. The solution seems obvious: Add more books that represent LGBTQ issues, gender diversity, people of color, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities. Working with families is an important first step in helping children accept, understand, and value their rich and varied world. Once again, consider different aspects of diversity— diversity in race, culture, gender and ability are all important to feature. Diversity in education is extremely important because it creates a success-oriented, cooperative and caring community. Why is cultural diversity important in schools? Why is diversity in schools important? It’s important to identify what types of diversity are present in every group, as well—which can be accomplished through those community-building exercises—and how that will affect the way these discussions will play out in the classroom. In addition to tailoring classroom activities and lessons toward multicultural appreciation, it is critical that the educator provide students with a culturally responsive learning environment. for diversity plays an important role in students’ experiences and engagement in the classroom and course. While many individuals may immediately think of race when speaking about Diversity in the Classroom: A Cognitive Call to Action The United States is expecting drastic changes in the diversity of its population over the next 50 years. It’s important to consider other broad factors when valuing student diversity to boost engagement for all learners. Looking back, as a gen. ed. Diversity in education represents a broad range of ideas and initiatives to … Choose classroom themes that celebrate diversity. But even as teachers appear aware of a need to diversify the curriculum, there can be roadblocks to making it happen. April 9, 2021 Elizabeth Tran. American classrooms are becoming more diverse every year,* which means cultural diversity in the classroom is becoming an increasingly important issue for educators throughout the education system. Before engaging in dialogue about diversity and inclusion in the college classroom, one must create the appropriate space.” 21-39; Lee, J.J. & Hoadley, C.M. Why Understanding Classroom Diversity Is Important. classroom teacher, for years I just added to my library whatever books seemed “cool” on the Scholastic Book Club catalog each month. As an educator, one of the most important lessons you will ever teach is about diversity. (?) At the same time, color and culture help children learn about each other and the world. Janmaat, J.G. To prepar… There are several ways to build inclusive classrooms. The effect of classroom diversity on tolerance and participation in England, Sweden and Germany. We want to teach our students to value their culture and the diversity of others in daily classroom activities and dialogue. We must learn to accept and get along with people of all cultures, races, and religions in order to become productive citizens of the world. Jun 30, 2016 - Explore First Grade Ambitions's board "Diversity in the Classroom", followed by 260 people on Pinterest. 1. diversity-themed research to essentialize learners according to these social and cognitive constructs. Experienced educators interested in fully embracing diversity in the classroom will benefit from earning a Master of Science in Education in Curriculum & Instruction from Northwest Missouri State University. There are numerous ways to bring greater variety into the classroom; teachers must take the initiative to take every step to bring diversity into the classroom. Differentiation puts the focus on learners and it is a learner centered approach that is aimed to help students succeed regardless of the differences. Making the Case Diversity is an inherent property of the ESL classroom. Diversity In The Classroom: Article Analysis. Diversity refers to the range of identities that exist in a group of people. Part of supporting diversity in the classroom is creating a space for … When I was in the 1 st grade, I was the only Caucasian female in my class. The Importance of Diversity in the Classroom. Additionally, issues of diversity play a role in how students and teachers view the importance of the classroom and what should happen there. It helps to stimulate an understanding of diversity in the classroom and helps to build an understanding of and respect for people from other cultures. Taking these feel-good ideals and making them a reality can be tough for educators, especially with so many other initiatives on their ever-tighter schedules. An 11 year old African-American girl, Marley Dias, launched the #1000BlackGirlBooks to bring awareness to the lack of diversity in contemporary books. Diversity is about recognising and respecting these differences to create an all-inclusive atmosphere. It may be in the learning style, race, gender, physical appearance and even beliefs, students come to the classroom with different backgrounds, experiences and cultural contexts. CELEBRATING DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM IS IMPORTANT. Teaching your students about the Importance of Celebrating Different Cultures and Diversity in the Classroom will help your students tremendously.Did you know that being culturally aware can have a significant affect on your student’s success? It also teaches students how to use their own strengths and points of view to contribute in a diverse working environment. Sense of community and social acceptance. A lack of diversity and inclusiveness in the classroom can lead to students feeling isolated, can lead to increased stress levels for minority or otherwise marginalized students, and cause them to be victims of bullying at higher rates. Why is cultural diversity important in schools? However, many teachers struggle in this area because they are not sure what diversity in the classroom even looks like. Teaching Diversity: A Place to Begin. And studies show that teacher diversity can make a difference in students’ performance and their interest in school. Understanding Family Diversity research effort. When working and learning with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures present in the classroom, students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Jason: “Diversity is one of the most important things in school…Isaac reported the teacher and she was fired.” Julie: Woah. Should they count themselves lucky if their child’s school is blessed with a variety of AP offerings and a great music program, or should they be looking for more? A positive and open-minded classroom atmosphere is key for a teacher to implement inclusive lesson plans. As Benefits Of Diversity in the Classroom Better awareness. Each one of us has a sense of cultural identity, which is clearly defined by our values, behaviors and beliefs that develop from childhood. Eliminates racism. Once students learn the importance of diversity, they are able to fight racism through their unprejudiced appreciation of the different races and cultures. Fighting bias. ... More items... At the same time, color and culture help children learn about each other and the world. There are many specific reasons why diversity is key in the classroom and schools, including: Diversity brings new perspectives into a classroom. This results in an unintentional segregation of children by race and ethnicity as well (Reid and Kagan, 2015, p.5). Children with disabilities need to be in a school and in a classroom where they are welcome to open arms and can feel comfortable in their own environment. showed that women faculty played important roles in fostering the education and success of women graduate students.14 Challenges of Diversity Despite the benefits that a diverse faculty, staff, and student body provide to a campus, diversity also presents considerable challenges that must be addressed and overcome. Why is equality, diversity, and inclusion important in schools? Diversity in the Classroom: A Cognitive Call to Action Essay 1677 Words | 7 Pages. This shows how diversity and cultural sensitivity is a crucial topic that needs to be integrated into the classroom not only for students but teachers as well. If such a mindset is created from the start, then managing a diverse classroom will be successful. Besides developing social skills important for the future, this is what your child can also learn in a diverse classroom: 1. For all the above, we must bet on stimulating gender equality and equity and to erase those stereotypes that cause prejudices to be present in a very harmful way. Cultural Awareness If your classroom is full of Diversity Improves Cognitive Skills and Critical Thinking The presence of diversity in the classroom allows students to consider perspectives and opinions beyond those they’ve already formed or were shaped in early life by family and friends. Why Cultural Diversity and Awareness in the Classroom Is Important Embracing cultural diversity can help you succeed as an educator. Phase one of this project involved the completion of a literature review of relevant writings in the areas of family diversity and curriculum and educational practices in the classroom. 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