These are 11 ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make an enormous contribution to life in Australia. They are separate people in origin, history and way of life, even if some common points can be found. Health aims to be a culturally safe workplace. 2. Being sensitive to cultural differences is vital for everyone who works with us. There is a great diversity of cultures, languages, kinship structures and ways of life among Aboriginal people across Australia. Giving out. Head in the sand. Includes the Aboriginal Employment Strategy, Aboriginal Employment and Development program, Aboriginal employee networks and cultural protocol guidance. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E, 2. The logo represents the “bridging of the cultural gap” and reflects our belief that through education and promotion, we can raise awareness and appreciation of the cultural diversity of Victorian Aboriginal culture and work towards the broader goal of reconciliation for all Australians. From participants’ views, cultural diversity within the management may have caused a misrecognition of Aboriginal culture, which was also described by the carers as a result of a lack of communication among staff. The animals include wallaby, crow, emu, eagles, grasshopper, snake, kangaroo, lizard, ants and many more. It was created in 1996 as part of the Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia project and attempts to show language, social or nation groups based on published sources available up to 1994. Usually called sistergirls or brotherboys (also spelled Sista Girls, Brotha Boys), transgender Aboriginal people are among the most marginalised in Australia. They do not believe that a rock possesses a soul, but they might believe that a particular rock outcrop was created by a particular deity in the creation period, or … Kathryn Gilbey (2018) gave a talk that inspired chapter 9 and she said “when we continue as an institution to teach courses and only ever present one perspective or world view, we remain complicit in the staggering statistics that surround Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity. Giving out. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture. Indigenous Australian culture dates back 60,000 years, but the world’s oldest surviving civilisation continues to play a vibrant role in modern Australian society. John Briggs is a renowned consultant on Indigenous engagement and inclusion. Cultural diversity : a primer for the human services by Diller, Jerry V. ISBN: 9781285075402. FARA also endorses their rejection of the Bill, which is motivated by a desire to maintain proper heritage protection standards and respect Indigenous authority over heritage. First Nations Australians are often called Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 1. Being aware of both pre-contact and post-contact history, cultural differences, beliefs, values and traditions of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada is the first step towards understanding Aboriginal Peoples as individuals. Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples enjoy diverse and living cultures. The cross-curriculum priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures provides the Australian public with what they want.17 Workplace diversity is a hot topic. From gateway destinations like Sydney, to Central Australia or the red earth of the Kimberley, Aboriginal people across the country are waiting to tell their stories and share the meaning of their cultures and way of life. DVA encourages and fosters a culture that supports diversity, inclusion and respect, where our staff are empowered to fulfil their potential. Explain the meaning of each of the following responses to discrimination. 9 The importance of Indigenous cultural perspectives in education (The danger of the single story) . January 27, 2013. The Victorian Aboriginal Cultural Competence Framework states that maintenance of culture is a key goal for Aboriginal communities in relation to the education of their children. Cultural and linguistic diversity was a feature of life for the first Australians, well before European settlement. This includes state owned corporations, universities and other services or agencies prescribed by the regulations. An accepted definition of an Indigenous Australian proposed by the Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal Affairs in the 1980s and still used by some Australian Government departments today is; a person of Aboriginal … Long-term trends show increasing diversity in the APS, with greater proportions of women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, and those from a non-English speaking background. Cultural diversity across the world has significant impacts on the many aspects of mental health, ranging from the ways in which health and illness are perceived, health seeking behavior, attitudes of the consumer as well as the practitioners and mental health systems. Race-based policies and attitudes were prevalent in the country until 1973 (Kwai, 2018). When working with a group of children there may be a number of children from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. 6 benefits of developing Aboriginal awareness. It is important to always recognise, acknowledge and respect diversity and individual needs and approaches. − understand the diversity of Indigenous cultures and the role of cultural identity and practices − reflect on the role of cultural practices and identity for Indigenous cultures globally and in australia − reflect on the diversity of aboriginal and torres strait Islander identity, cultures and societies. To learn more about Aboriginal Diversity attend one of our Cultural Awareness Programs. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples this is just as important as it is for other cultures. Facts about Aboriginal Culture 6: other creations. One of the biggest myths about Aboriginality is that if you have fair skin you can’t be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Like other Indigenous culture, the Bundjalung people suggest they belong to the land and the land to them. Australia is a country that has a vast diversity and the history of the Country has certain events that have caused cultural diversity in Australia. To help you understand the potential consequences of your approach to diversity … It is therefore pivotal to the wellbeing of Aboriginal people. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Inclusion and Cultural Safety at Work. There is in particular substantial diversity between mainland Aboriginal people and the Torres Strait Islander people. Australia’s Indigenous population is divided into two distinct cultural groups – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The land provided a wide variety of foods including fish, crustaceans, mammals, birds, reptiles vegetables and fruits. To identify your attitudes and perspectives regarding cultural diversity. The United Kingdom, New Zealand and South Africa remained the top three countries of overseas birth. Think of the Kimberly region of Western Australia … if you travel through the Kimberly with its large Aboriginal population and the diversity of people within this region, it’s just like travelling through Europe with its changing cultures … You can find more in the library or by searching the Library Catalogue. Learn the stories of emerging indigenous leader Carly O’Brien, leadership coach and gay rights advocate Harold Hilman, and advocate for the deaf Drisana Levitzke-Gray. Cultural and linguistic diversity was a feature of life for the first Australians, well before European settlement. Providing a safe and welcoming environment should be a critical part of any workplace’s diversity and inclusion strategy and planning. Aboriginal Diversity Research Paper; ... 2011 Abstract In this paper I will be looking at diversity in Canada and how the term of diversity is used to refer to cultural differences, how it applies to all the qualities that make people different. Hirsch, A. K. (2017). Like any cultural group, Indigenous people offer unique attributes that contribute in important ways to business performance. Graham, G. D. (2009). Question 5. Aboriginal Health Cultural Safety Plan 2019 – 2021. 246–284. Also, being aware of the dynamics that occur when cultures interact. The danger of viewing a narrative from a single lens is that a story is painted from one viewpoint and therefore conclusions are drawn from one perspective. 1. Aboriginal Culture and People. 3. Appreciation of Cultural Diversity through Translating Australian Aboriginal Culture: A Project-Based Learning Approach. Aboriginal people take great pride in their personal and group identity and recognise themselves and each other as "one people". Everyone has a cultural identity and understanding the diverse cultural identities in Australia is an essential element of achieving reconciliation. 2 > The cultural diversity, particularly in regard to health beliefs, between Aboriginal groups and communities has been acknowledged by many. Aboriginal Australian culture is a unique and heterogeneous society that has many different cultural Archaeological evidence proves that Aboriginal and Torres … Communities vary according to geographic location, environment and resources - each having their own unique cultural practices, languages, beliefs, knowledge systems and material cultures. The animals include wallaby, crow, emu, eagles, grasshopper, snake, kangaroo, lizard, ants and many more. Kelley, L. S. (1999). The proportion of Western Australians born overseas increased between 2006 (29%) and 2011 (31%). However, within this group – as with most Indigenous communities – is a great diversity. The sounds z, h and s did not appear to be used in any Aboriginal language. BY CAMERON COOPER CARLY O’BRIEN AIMM, RELATIONSHIP BUILDER Carly O’Brien “For me, it’s really comforting to know that there is a genuine interest in […] Our RAP is a roadmap outlining ANZ's commitment to social and economic participation of Ending that exclusion is foundational to D&I. 11 Ways Indigenous Australian Culture Still Influences Society. You can find more in the library or by searching the Library Catalogue.. Click on a book to see if it's currently available. Diversity refers to the mix of people in an organisation – that is, all the differences between people in how they identify in relation to their:. The uniqueness of these cultures and the wisdom and knowledge embedded in them, are things to be highly valued by all Australians. It was agreed a Cultural Safety Plan is the key to acknowledging respect for the individual needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait To coincide with Aboriginal Day, Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training was launched on June 20 by the Government of the Northwest Territories as a diversity and inclusion initiative that is identified in 20/20: A Brilliant North, Public Service Strategic Plan. The content of the law varies depending on the specific Aboriginal or Torres Strait culture or group, but there are some broad matters held in common by a number of different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The Victorian Aboriginal Cultural Competence Framework states that maintenance of culture is a key goal for Aboriginal communities in relation to the education of their children. There are many Indigenous cultures in Australia, made up of people from a rich diversity of tribal groups which each speak their own languages and have a variety of cultural beliefs and traditions. Many Australians are unaware of this cultural and linguistic diversity, and often believe that there is simply one Aboriginal culture and language. The AIATSIS map serves as a visual reminder of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia. Culture isn’t static. Aboriginal culture and history covers a vast amount of time and space. We teamed up with him to create our new course, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Inclusion and Cultural Safety. 9.3 Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire Purpose. Aboriginal people take great pride in their personal and group identity and recognise themselves and each other as "one people". The AIATSIS map serves as a visual reminder of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples contribute greatly to the cultural diversity of Australia. Australia’s Indigenous peoples are two distinct cultural groups made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. National statistics point out that almost all social indicators rank the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the most disadvantaged. Aboriginal understanding of the individual is in relation to “The main thing overseas visitors want to experience is the Aboriginal culture,” says Sealink – Tiwi by Design tour guide, Buffy Warlapinni. Diversity. To help you become aware of and understand your prejudices and biases. P HSC. Other creations of the supernatural ancestors include water, air, and fire. CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People and; CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture has existed in this land for around 50,000 years. There is a wide range of nations, cultures and languages across mainland Australia and throughout the Torres Strait. The University values cultural diversity, believes all staff and students should be treated with dignity and respect and seeks to contribute to creating a nation that provides equal life chances for all and works in collaboration with its Indigenous heritage. It was created in 1996 as part of the Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia project and attempts to show language, social or nation groups based on published sources available up to 1994. In Aboriginal language, they tried to use an extreme minimal amount of words, so prefixes and suffixes were used to describe what someone or something was doing. Irrespective of culture, family is the foundation from which one gains emotional and psychological support. 247 diversity of Australian Aboriginal cultural heritage. Table 1 shows significant increases in the number of people born in New Zealand, South Africa, India, the Philippines and China, although as a proportion of the total WA population, the increases were small. Learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures allows students to develop respect for diversity and understanding of cultural difference. While all Aboriginal people share a desire to retain their identity, a belief in land rights, a desire to control their own affairs, and a desire to remove the economic and social disadvantages of Aboriginal people generally, there is considerable diversity in strategies to achieve those aims. Why teachers must embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ perspectives in all educational contexts as the first step in acknowledging and catering for diversity in the classroom? From gateway destinations like Sydney, to Central Australia or the red earth of the Kimberley, Aboriginal people across the country are waiting to tell their stories and share the meaning of their cultures and way of life. Outline the diversity of Indigenous Australian peoples (~250 words) Indigenous Australian peoples are rich in cultural, linguistic, and historical diversity, which highlight the impact of Indigenous communities on civilization and the knowledge traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. This is the belief that all natural objects possess a soul. The country’s geographical location has attracted numerous foreigners that have eventually contributed to the diverse cultural history of the country. The framework comprises the underlying elements of Identity and Living Communities and the key concepts of Country/Place, Culture and People. This diversity is exemplified by the … Facts about Aboriginal Culture 6: other creations. It’s the oldest living civilisation on Earth. ‘Aboriginal’ is Yang, P. (2015). Share our Pride (): Indigenous employment and engagement is a specialised area of diversity.DCA recommends that organisations begin the process by familiarising themselves with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Aboriginal culture has roots deep in the past. Culture can impact our perspectives, behaviour, how we interact in the world and our personal identities. They descended from Melanesian and Papua New Guinea people, who also have influenced their culture. Head in the sand. It is one of the world's longest surviving cultures, which goes back at least 50,000 years (some think it is closer to 150,000 years). Aboriginal people do not believe in animism. Encourage employees to sign up to find out more about Recognise, the national campaign to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia’s Constitution. But while there is great diversity in the expression of Aboriginal cultures, languages and spirituality, there are some underlying commonalities by way of concepts, principles and themes that we can identify as relating to Dreamtime. There are many cultural differences amongst Aboriginal communities, as well as Torres Strait Islander communities. is an advisory body formed to assist Australian courts, judicial officers and administrators to positively respond to our diverse needs, including the particular issues that arise in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. They engage in seafaring and trade with the neighboring islands, and though they also thrive on hunting, food-gathering and traditionally they are also excellent in agriculture. Australia’s Indigenous population is divided into two distinct cultural groups – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Cultural competency also … Within these nations there are clan groups, and within the clan groups there are family groups. There are Aboriginal communities in remote parts of Australia where the traditional culture is the dominant way of life. Avoiding Cultural Tokenism. Given this diversity, respectful language use depends on what different communities find appropriate. This is called Aboriginal traditional lore. Aboriginal peoples are the oldest living culture on earth and comprise some 250 separate language groups, with their own law, knowledge and belief systems, often collectively referred to as the Dreaming. The literature may be based on a different group of Aboriginal people and even within a specific group culture there will be different levels of belief expressed by individuals. Aboriginal and Chinese Australians: Cultural Diversity specifically for you! Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people have experienced significant exclusion from Australian society for many years. Aboriginal culture and history covers a vast amount of time and space. But there is significant diversity within these two groups. But for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples much of their culture has been lost as a direct result … The proportion of Italy-born people decreased and Vietnam, the Netherlands and Germany moved out of the … aboriginal australians We support and value the contribution our Indigenous employees make to Health. Melissa Fanshawe, Professor Lindy-Anne Abawi, and Jillian Guy. In many ways, the idea of ‘cultural competency’ respects and embodies the recognition of this diversity, and the celebration of the cultural resurgence that is currently underway. This chapter will introduce the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups in Australia and consider how these cultural … They engage in seafaring and trade with the neighboring islands, and though they also thrive on hunting, food-gathering and traditionally they are also excellent in agriculture. Australia has two distinct Indigenous peoples: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. "I'm Aboriginal and Croatian." Question 2- Carry out your own research looking into the culture and the history of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander The sun, stars and moon were created too. We recognise the knowledge, insights and capabilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with their strength, resilience and cultural competence being highly valued in today’s workforce as we extend the cultural boundaries of employment practices. Aboriginal children learned the law from childhood, by observing customs, ceremonies and song cycles. The population of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is extremely diverse in its culture with many different languages spoken. Therefore, one Aboriginal phrase could translate into … in most parts of Australia. Review of Radical hope: Ethics in the face of cultural devastation. New Political Science, 39(3), 393-411. Flexible working Information on types of flexible working, how to implement it in your agency, and … FARA respects and recognises the cultural authority and diversity of both Alliances, which represent Aboriginal peoples and representative organisations from across WA. 11 Ways Indigenous Australian Culture Still Influences Society contribute to the cultural diversity now cherished by Australians. Demonstrating diversity is also one way of earning a social license to operate, and to build public trust in the APS. However, within this group – as with most Indigenous communities – is a great diversity. 1. List the five key beliefs in relation to this goal. Diversity Australia ( DA) is committed to improving and sustaining employment outcomes for people from diverse backgrounds. As previously stated in some settings care plans were created and used by nurses only and not incorporated into carers work. Question 5. Understanding culture. - Excerpt from the RMIT Equity & Diversity Plan The AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL CULTURE is complex and extraordinarily diverse. “The main thing overseas visitors want to experience is the Aboriginal culture,” says Sealink – Tiwi by Design tour guide, Buffy Warlapinni. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are believed to be the most disadvantaged ethnic group in Australia because of various historical, racial, cultural, political, and personal factors. - Excerpt from the RMIT Equity & Diversity Plan Agonism and hope in William Apess’s Native American political thought. List the five key beliefs in relation to this goal. Aboriginal Culture and People. But there is great diversity within these two broadly described groups exemplified by the over 250 different language groups spread across the nation. Maximise the benefits of cultural diversity in your workplace incluude Incluude is an easy-to-use, searchable interface providing practical tools and resources on culture, religion, gender, Indigenous experience and more, that supports both organisations and individuals to navigate diversity … Indigenous rights by Justin Healey. Aboriginal people view individuals within a community holistically. diversity of languages and cultural practices among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The University values cultural diversity, believes all staff and students should be treated with dignity and respect and seeks to contribute to creating a nation that provides equal life chances for all and works in collaboration with its Indigenous heritage. In 2019, we offered the following events: Difference Between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders This chapter will introduce the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups in Australia and consider how these cultural identities make Australia a unique country. employees and is dedicated to providing a positive and supportive workplace. Clan groups share a common language and kinship system, which is based on either patrilineal or matrilineal lines of descent. ABORIGINAL CULTURAL PROTOCOLS 7 Cultural protocols Cultural protocols are customs, values and guidelines for particular cultural groups. A young Aboriginal candidate is there, sitting across the recruiter and the invisible discriminator emerges once more: ‘Could you really rely on her?’ Those advertisements may have been aimed at raising awareness about racism for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but their content are applicable to cultural diversity more generally. Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More. Explain the meaning of each of the following responses to discrimination. While diversity exists across and within Aboriginal communities, some Aboriginal cultural characteristics are part of all Aboriginal cultures and unite Aboriginal people through shared history and shared experiences. This chapter will consider what culture means to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and how their connection to culture continues today. Incorporate all cultures rather than focusing on each one individually. Shelters were made of timber, bark, branches and palms. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are not one homogenous group – they are a diverse group of hundreds of nations (or cultural groups) and clans within those nations. Difference Between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures priority uses a conceptual framework to provide a context for learning. Other creations of the supernatural ancestors include water, air, and fire. Below are a few of the Books we think will be useful for:. This is true of Aboriginal communities, with family standing as a form of spiritual, cultural and emotional guidance through life. Since Chinese belong to a category of visible minorities, … Protocols provide a framework for working with people from different cultures. [2] There are three levels of kinship in Indigenous society: Moiety, Totem and … ABORIGINAL CULTURE AND HISTORY In recent decades there has been a strong renaissance of Aboriginal culture and forms of creative expression, and a reconnection and reclaiming of cultural life. "I'm Anglo Saxon and Australian." Workforce diversity includes (but is not limited to) diversity of the workforce in respect of gender, cultural and linguistic background, Aboriginal people and people with a disability. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are not one homogenous group – they are a diverse group of hundreds of nations (or cultural groups) and clans within those nations. The Diversity, Culture and Wellbeing Portfolio offers events and initiatives that address issues such as financial equity; gender equality; domestic violence; disability support; cultural diversity; and equity for LGBTIQA+ students, external students and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Transgender people have been part of Aboriginal culture long before European invasion. capture the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures but to also keep the content simple and introductory. Is accepted as an Aboriginal by the community in which he or she lives. Aboriginal peoples retain their cultural identity whether they live in urban, regional or remote areas of Australia. 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